Animation Auto Generator
Tool to make additional frames for frame-by-frame animation.
Use ARROW KEYS to move through workspace.
You can free try it in browser version, but free version don't support EXPORT function. I recommend you to try out your sprites in the free version first.
If you liked it, you can buy it.
This tool is not a perfect solution, result frames must be polished, but it helps to save your time.
How to use:
- Click 'Load Image' to load your spritesheet
- Enter Width and Height of one frame
- Click on 'Generate'
Now you have your workspace.
Press '+' button between frames to generate middle frame, or press 'Inter Frames Create ' in 'Global Menu' to create all middle frames.
Glowing points are your Vertices. Ideally, the vertices should be on the same parts of the sprite for each frame, then the generation of a new frame will be more accurate.
You can modify vertices point by clicking on them and using "move points" in 'Point Menu', or re-define them automatically in 'Shape Menu' by selecting different 'Define vertices method' + click on 're-set'.
Also you can create Shades and Motion Shades effect in Global Menu.
Save your result by clicking 'Export' button in 'Export Menu'
Result examples:
can be enhanced to :
Or such andimation
converts to
In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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